call Jaqi on 0423499901
Shaman & Psychic Medium
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Readings with Jaqi connect with positive energetic communication at the Psychic, Mediumship, and Akashic levels. A Reading session can focus on just one, two, or all three forms of communication to varying degree.
When reading at the Psychic level, Jaqi is connecting with her client's own energy. She receives impressions and messages in any number of ways. Jaqi feels the communication emotionally and physically (Clairsentience); sees imagery that holds symbolic, archetypal, and even literal meaning (Clairvoyance), senses or just knows what is being communicated (Claircognizance), and hears the messages to be presented (Clairaudience). Reading at the psychic level assists clients who are seeking guidance in all areas of life such as work, relationships, health, etc.
However, there is so much more depth and expansion available once we begin Mediumship.
When reading at the Mediumship level Jaqi 's intention is to authentically connect with the energies of her client's deceased loved ones; family and friends (often 'pets' too). Jaqi asks those in Spirit for as much factual information as possible as evidence that the energetic connections are genuine. This confirmation brings proof of survival after physical death, and great comfort, resolution, and healing to those on both sides of the veil.
Jaqi often connects with her clients 'higher self' or 'guides', and/or with the 'higher self' or 'guide' energy of their embodied loved ones. These energies, though not physically present in the room, also come through with something of significance to further support the client's wellbeing.
Information, that may appear predictive, comes through more as an indicator of the potentials that exist around the client. We live in a 'free will' zone, so there are potentials created by the way the client is thinking, perceiving, and acting at that point in linear time. This is what is read.
In an Akashic Reading Jaqi, once again, asks permission to enter the Quantum Field of Consciousness that connects everything and this time specifically go into the Akashic Records for her client. Jaqi then asks to Read the aspects of 'past', 'parallel' and even 'future' lives/existences that are impacting on her clients life NOW. Helpful wisdom and guidance can be accessed, and healing initiated, in this way.